Parable |
Matthew |
Mark |
Luke |
New ways vs. old ways,
(New Testament grace vs. Old Testament law). |
9:16-17 |
2:21-22 |
5:36-39 |
Two debtors,
(both debts canceled, who loved the most?) |
7:40-43 |
The sower and the four types of soil,
(condition of the heart). |
13:3-9 |
4:3-9 |
8:5-8 |
The parable of the sower explained,
(perhaps a progression of growth). |
13:18-23 |
4:14-20 |
8:11-15 |
Germinating seed that brings forth a harvest,
(we know not how). |
4:26-29 |
The parable of the lamp stand,
(you are the light of the world). |
5:14-16 |
4:21-23 |
8:16-18 |
Your personal foundation,
(a house built on the Rock vis. sand). |
7:24-27 |
6:47-49 |
The good Samaritan,
(who is my neighbor?) |
10:30-37 |
The good Shepherd,
(The plan of salvation). |
The Gospel of John 10:1 |
The sayings of Jesus,
(short sayings) |
yes |
yes |
yes |
The persistent friend,
(persistence pays off, men should always pray). |
11:5-8 |
Rich man building bigger barns,
(storing it up to then take it easy). |
12:16-21 |
The barren fig tree,
(are there second chances?) |
13:6-9 |
The wheat and the tares,
(the good and the bad). |
13:24-29 |
Parable of the mustard seed,
(smallest seed and becomes a great tree). |
13:31-32 |
4:30-32 |
13:18-19 |
Yeast worked though,
(and the whole loaf was raised). |
13:33 |
13:20-21 |
Hidden treasures,
(acquiring the kingdom, the right way). |
13:44 |
The pearl of great value,
(seeking the kingdom, it costs you all). |
13:45-46 |
The dragnet,
(separating the good from the bad). |
13:47-50 |
Bringing out treasures,
(new & old treasures, both have value). |
13:52 |
Places of honor,
(honor is given from above, it's not taken). |
14:7-14 |
The lost sheep,
(being concerned about the one). |
18:12-14 |
15:3-7 |
The lost coin,
(placing value on the one). |
15:8-10 |
The prodigal son and his brother,
(two sons to contend with). |
15:11-32 |
The unrighteous yet shrewd steward,
(commended for doing wisely). |
16:1-8 |
The rich man and Lazarus,
(hell is real, one must believe by faith). |
16:19-31 |
The unjust judge and widow woman,
(persistence pays off). |
18:1-8 |
The Pharisee and the Publican,
(one justified and one was not). |
18:9-14 |
Forgiving master & the wicked servant,
(forgive and you will be forgiven). |
18:23-35 |
The landowner and the laborers,
(giving of wages and their expectations). |
20:1-16 |
Jesus' Triumphal entry into Jerusalem |
21:1 |
11:1 |
19:29 |
Parable of the reluctant son,
(driven by guilt). |
21:28-32 |
The vineyard owner and the wicked servants,
(prophet). |
21:33-41 |
12:1-9 |
20:9-19 |
Great feasts and the guests,
(they who came and they who refused). |
22:1-14 |
14:16-24 |
The blooming fig tree,
(a sign that the kingdom is near). |
24:32-32 |
13:28-29 |
21:29-30 |
The ten virgins,
(some were prepared, some were not). |
25:1-13 |
Servants entrusted with master's money,
(do business until he comes). |
25:14-30 |
19:12-27 |
Sheep and goats,
(Seperating out the righteous). |
25:31-46 |