The garments of the priesthood, as told in Exodus 28:4 are:
a breast plate, an ephod, a robe, an embroidered coat, a woven turban
(not shown) and a girdle (belt or sash).
- The breastplate of judgment: holds 12 stones,
one for each of the 12 tribes of Israel, Exodus 28:15.
- The ephod: is made of gold, blue, purple and scarlet thread on fine woven linen,
artistically crafted and is made up of the pieces below.
- The robe of the ephod: is solid blue, with pomegranates of blue, purple and
scarlet, all around its hem, Exodus 28:31.
- The embroidered coat of the ephod:
- The girdle (belt or sash), of the ephod: shall be of the same workmanship
as the ephod, Exodus 28:8.