The Pentateuch

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first five books of the Bible, written by Moses

Genesis Genesis 4 Great Events: Creation / The Fall / The Flood / the Nations.
4 Great Men: Abraham / Isaac / Jacob / Joseph.
Exodus Exodus Exit from Egypt / The 10 plagues / The Passover feast
Parting of the Red Sea, giving of the 10 commandments.
Leviticus Leviticus Giving of the law, building of the tabernacle,
keeping covenants and the concept of holiness.
Numbers Numbers Counting of the people, the first two census,
The 12 spies, leading to 40 years of wandering in the wilderness.
Deuteronomy Deuteronomy Man does have a will, he can choose blessings or cursings.
A repeating of the laws, the 10 commandments.