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Understanding creation is fundamental to one's faith, when we understand our origins, we can better comprehend man's purpose, authority and future.
Tells us that man has evolved from lower life forms. Assuming that the beginnings of life originating from the seas, simple cell forms, progressing to fish, to birds, to animals and then to man.
Evolution assumes that single cell structures evolved to form complex structures. Thus, we have simplicity going to complicity and disorder going to order. This contradicts the scientific definition of entropy, defining a steady degradation of a systems matter and energy.
Evolutionists do not address the question of the origin of life, how these simple cells came into being. Scientists have attempted many times to make inorganic matter became living organic life and have not been successful, thus, Evolutionists simply choose to ignore this issue.
Why did some animals stop evolving in their development? For we still have lower level species, (fish, birds, monkeys, apes, etc). Why did not all species evolve to man?
The theory assumes that certain fish became birds, birds became animals, and then the mammal, the animal became man. This contradicts scripture: that everything produces after its own kind. When God created living species (fish, birds and animals), He gave them the ability to reproduce only after their own kind, not to evolve to a higher form, (Genesis chapter 1).
If man evolved from monkeys, either man is no more, and equivalent, with all the other animals. Or at some stage in the evolution process, the "human man / animal" formed a soul or at least became superior to the animal species. Scripture tells us that, God made man a bit lower than the angels..., Psalm 8:5. God did not make us a bit higher than the monkeys! Scripture also tells us that, God gave us dominion over all living things on the earth, Genesis 1:28.
If we perceive that we are no more than an animal. We will look to the animal kingdom for our purpose, and soon start acting like the animals. If we believe that we are made in the image of God, we will look towards Him for our purpose, and attempt to also act like our Father God.
Tells us that the earth was formed by a cosmological event and is billions of years old.
The big bang occurred due to an unexplained explosion within a dense atmosphere thereby creating the planets and the stars in their orbits. The questions that remain unanswered are: Where did the matter come from? What triggered the explosion? And then we must assume that it was by random chance that all of the stars and planets began to have specific and exact orbits.
Scientific American magazine acknowledges the age of the earth to be 4.5 billion (10 9) years old, v261 p90(6) August, 1989. Other books and publications merely say that the earth is millions (106) of years old, not confining themselves to a window of time.
If we assume all days to be of equal length, using the 4.5 billion year figure and dividing this by seven days, one day would equal about 640 million years. This would allow for the earth to cool down from the massive heat produced from the big bang. However, it is unrealistic to think that higher forms of life, such as: insects, fish, birds, animals and man could survive a day of creation lasting 640 million years. Therefore,when people combine the big bang theory with the Genesis creation account, it is explained by starting out with days of many million or billion of years and then shorting the time span to align itself with the 24 hour day that we know of.
The big bang theory minimizes the attributes of a personal God. Although the big bang theory can be used to try and explain parts of the Genesis creation account, to satisfy our earthly logic. When we do this, we deny a portion of our faith, believing that God was limited to natural forces to create the earth. If God created the first man, (Adam) a fully matured man, why should we limit God in the creation of the earth?
Looking at creation in a literal approach is the best way to view creation. For Without faith it is it is impossible to please him: ..., Hebrews 11:6. Faith cannot be analyzed or explained, if it could, it would not be faith.
Believing in a literal seven day week having 24 hours tells us that the earth was made having the appearance of what we perceive to be age. God the Father gave us this earth as a temporary home and He supplied it with everything that we would later need, ie. minerals to use, fuels to burn, etc. Believing in a creation period of seven 24 hour days requires using one's faith, faith does not come through man's logic it come by reading and believing God's Word, Romans 10:17, for without faith it is impossible to please him Hebrews 11:6.
Both theories minimize and attempt to explain away the character and powers of a personal God, assuming that God was restricted to simply using the natural occurrences of nature. The Big Bang theory does this to explain away the development of the earth and the entire universe, whereby evolution attempts to explain away the origin and purpose of man. Nether theory takes into account the supernatural power of God's Word, for both theories infer that God, (if there even is a God), wound up the world and is simply watching it run, as opposed to a personal God who is there for us and is ever present in our lives. "I will never leave thee nor forsake thee", Hebrews 13:5. Whereby, both theories may seems to hold certain aspects of logic, believing in man clever reasoning's most always dilutes one's faith.
The Big Bang theory provides for us an expatiation of the creation of the stars and planets into a neat logical package. Assuming that all of the planetary creation, within at least our own galaxy happened by accident and by random chance. When you realize that the orbits of all of the stars and planets are precise, whereby we can even set our clocks by them ie. (sundials). And knowing that if the earth's orbit was a few percent closer or further from the sun we would either burn up or freeze. It becomes pretty apparent that our universe was established by an intelligent designer that also had a higher purpose and a plan for His creation.
The theory of Evolution views man as one step above the animals. Scripture tells us that man is a moral being having a conscience and a free will, whereby animals do not have either of these abilities. Animals function off of instincts, (whereby man might have urges and desires, regardless of the outcome), his choice is always a willful decision. Man is much more than an animal, he is made in the image and likeness of God, Genesis 1:26 he has been called into a holy calling, 2nd Timothy 1:9 and he has God's Holy Spirit dwelling within him, 1st Corinthians 6:19
The first defiance of man against God was the fall of man, recorded in Genesis Chapter 3. God allowed us to defy His command, proving that He has given to man a free will. If man was just another beast, in the animal kingdom, eating from the tree of good and evil would have had no consequences.
The great harm within the theory of Evolution is that: if man believes himself to be a descendant of the animal kingdom, he will then look to the animals for his purpose and behaviors, Rather than look towards God as our Father. Thus they exchanged their glory from God, for the likeness of an ox that eats grass ... and changed the glory of the incorruptible God into an image made like corruptible man, and birds, and four-footed animals, and creeping things, Psalm 106:20 & Romans 1:23.
Websites to further reference. We should not limit God only by what we understand by our natural mind. There is much evidence for a young earth creation, the website I recommend is CreationWorldView.org, there are also several other websites and studies on intelligent design.